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My Third Shoot with Ruby...

Just like the title says this my third shoot with Ruby, I feel like the more I see her the more beautiful she gets! She's one of those little girls who you get the sense will be a great future leader, she knows what she wants and how to get it but is still the cutest little patoote!

We went to one of my most favourite locations to do this shoot where the light makes me so deeply happy and has this way of lighting subject in this soft yet clear way.

When I first photographed Ruby she was just a little chublly baby who had literally just started to stand and walk, now just over a year later she is running along, the most confident, happy, bug loving child.

The shoot was mostly about Ruby but I love it when parents help out getting their child to laugh and play, that way we got so natural ones on Ruby but also some really candid ones of her with her parents that show their real relationship.

I'll be looking forward to my next Ruby shoot, she'd got Spring, Summer and Autumn, all we need now to complete the seasons is Winter and for that we're waiting for snow...

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