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The Outdoors Mum

I came across Jenny on Instagram, I immediately fell in love with her profile and her concept. She's called The Outdoors Mum and her and her little girl Daisy spend almost all their time outside playing in parks and woods etc all over Milton Keynes,

I knew straight away that this was a lady I had to meet and so I reached out to her and asked if I could take her photos. Everyone who knows me knows how much I adore being outside with nature, how much I love to smell the flowers and hug the trees and meeting another person like me but also someone who was raising the next generation of tree huggers and who also lived in Milton Keynes made me so happy.

Jenny feels that toddlers really don't need much to be happy and that her little daughter would be much more fulfilled outside, in her wellies, stomping around in puddles and playing her little booty off than cooped up at home or in a soft play place.

She recalls that when Daisy was born she basically got out the house with her straight away and she's had tonnes of other mothers contact her asking where she goes and how she has the confidence to get out there. To Jenny being outside with her baby girl has always been the natural thing to do and she loves the fact that she can help other Mums and families on their adventure into the great outdoors.

For our shoot we actually went to two locations, the Great Linford Manor park which is one of my absolute favourite outdoor locations in MK, especially at this time of year and then we high tailed it over to Stony Stratford's Horsefair Green for some pics there. Daisy jumped and ran and climbed and laughed her way through her shoot and being able to capture the very obvious bond they share was such a joy for me.

I love the way Jenny is normalising being an "outdoor mum" and helping everyone to realise that funnest thing for a kid to do is to run and jump, wild and free in nature with the birds above them and the grass under their feet...

If you'd like to follow Jenny and Daisy's amazing adventure here's where you can do that:

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